Resources to Help

Navigate Healthcare for Eosinophilic Conditions

The toolkit is designed for a broad and diverse audience of people living with eosinophil-associated disease at any stage of their diagnostic or treatment journey.

The material is designed to help adults, adolescents, and caregivers better understand how to advocate for themselves within healthcare systems and in clinical settings. 

It provides an overview of different models of health care delivery and key areas in the journey for self-advocacy. The content will also help you develop skills to more confidently work with your healthcare providers to manage your eosinophil-associated disease.

Young couple sitting on chair together and looking at their laptop for resources on eosinophilic conditions.
Man laying in bed with clothes on, happy that he found the resources he needs on his tablet.
Family with older kids in the kitchen doing various things, like cooking, talking, researching.
Mother is looking up medical conditions on laptop, with her daughter next to her doing homework.